Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you all for coming to Team Talk.  I learned so much and can't wait to share what I learned with anyone who was not able to make it. 
  • We covered so many  aspects of our business and how to keep it growing for us.
  • We concentrated on goals and how to use them to our advantage. 
  • We made so many kinds of samples.
  • Stacy and Michelle showed us how to make ones that are so cute and had so many ideas what to do with them.
  • We came up with a way to let people try the pink pepper mixed with another scent by making a sample and what was so cool was I had a cookie cutter that was shaped like a pepper.
  • We also shared ideas on where to purchase baggies and other items we used to make our creations
  • We went over some compliance laws
  • Michelle and Stacy showed me their business cards done by our Scentsy company and they are great and not too expensive
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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I made a little video to recap our fun.
I have a special gift for everyone who has at least $150 worth of sales this month.
Michelle,& Kimberly be looking for your gift via e-mail
You are all the best
Mark the date...TEAM TALK at my house on Tues June 5th 6:30

Monday, April 30, 2012

Drive your Stake....

As I close up the month and see my totals soared over last month I realized one thing.
Setting goals has helped me see where I want to be .........and get there. 
How has your goal setting helped you?  Have you been honest and made yourself  write them down and evaluate how close you were to reaching them?
Ask yourself ...what your willingness has  been.  What you desire your willingness to be.
A very successful business man used to tell me to "Drive my Stake and keep working toward it."
I Challenge each of you to DRIVE YOUR STAKE!
anyone looking for good party ideas?   What's it worth to ya?   Will you tell the others what your favorite Scentsy learning video it for one?  I will e-mail you a complete party idea for each favorite you have and where you found it.
If you really want to be good at your business and want it to grow you have to learn and it is easy with the training center....we need to use it more.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


What is your level of willingness today?
Are you up for a Fundraiser?  I just finished one and it was well worth the work.
Where should we go to find events like this? 
If you have good ideas post them and share.
I have tried schools and had very little luck.  I will keep trying. 
I am now seeking groups of women who give money.  Like service organizations. 
If you have done a fundraiser tell us how it went and what is your set up.
Have a Scentsational week.
Wish me luck on the Velata parties I am going to be having soon.  If you did not sign up and want one I am making an order the first few days of may  so let me know

Friday, April 27, 2012

Focus on Relationships

One of your best tools in our business is the ability to listen to people. 
Listening is so important.
Listen then plant seed to people on the opportunity to join Scentsy.
Almost everyone you know or meet can use Scentsy or want Scentsy.
Building relationships is not a very hard thing to do but it takes time and compassion.  Each relationship means a sale, or a party, or even a team member.
Do any of you have any good ideas on how to approach people to join Scentsy?
Do any of you have any great ideas on how to get people to host a party?
Has anyone ever turned a person who hosted a party into a  team member?
For the people who want to share ideas and comment on our Refuel I will send you a custom document.  I want to share with each of you all the things I have made and the thing shared with me by other great Scentsy Consultants  I will send you a document for each positive learning comment you post.  I have tons so get busy and lets network!
Thank you all for being great team members and I want to help you each grow a business.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Success is governed by Willingness.
There are 3 levels of willingness.  Which one is yours?

#1  N. A. P.      or This is Not A Priority right now

#2  CONDITIONAL  I'm in when I feel like it and when it is easy.

#3  UNCONDITIONAL  I'm in no matter what.
Your life will be whatever you WILL it to be!

Now that you honestly figure out which level of willingness you are.  Let's work on getting to the UNCONDITIONAL level of willingness.  That is where you put out your" I'm Open For Business" sign every morning and don't take it down until your head hits the pillow. 
This can mean that your put your mom hat on or wife wig or anything you want it or need it to be.  It means BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE TODAY!
Be careful of the IDFLIDs.....can you guess what that stands for?
I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT DAYS.  Don't let them get you. have until the 28th to order yours for the special price.  Call me if you need help doing this.
Also Cherry Vanilla is the scent for May and it is lovely.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

March Learner Earner Award goes to....`

Lee Ann and Cougar. Lee Ann I know you want testers so I will give you testers instead of catalogs. I will get your testers right away.
Great Job to everyone on our team for last months efforts

Did you set your goals for this month? Comment on here and get your name in for our Learner Earner Drawing.

Anyone who has 4 successful parties this month will get a Layers Hand Cream form me!

For every Recruit ( person you sign up to sell Scentsy) I will give you 20 mini testers.

Tell the group what is in your basket party basket for an extra entry into the Learner Earner drawing

The First person to Comment here and say how many parties you have booked this month will win a Scent Circle.
Don't forget to keep posting on the videos you watch for an entry in our Learner Earner drawing.
I want everyone to win a prize this month so check back for more chances.
In fact for anyone who watches... then post what you liked about this video will get a travel tin from me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shooting Star Winner

Congrats to Kimberly Duran.....You hit your Shooting Star Promotion.
Awesome Job Kim please read about the promotion here.
Congrats to Lee Ann and Cougar.....You hit your Shooting Star Promotion.
A big Whopping $500 in your first 15 days.
What you earn is the opportunity to purchase a huge lot of Scentsy products for only $200. In the resources tab you will find shooting star and it will show you what all you get.

Everyone is doing great and if you need any help wrapping up the month let me know.
Lee Ann you need to enter on the Scentsational Squad Face book group...she is doing a drawing for the people who have $500 parties. She gives out good prizes.

We already have a winner for the first Party closed in March...Mauraka won a Travel tin.

Still taking entries for LEARNER EARNER drawing....all you have to do is watch videos on how to grow your business on the work station or you tube and tell us about it on here. You get your name in once for each one of them. I am giving away some catalogs or a hand cream.
Make sure your comment gets posted on the site so you get credit. I can't say you can't grow your business without the training but I can say it will grow much faster and stronger if you keep learning.

Lee Ann and Cougar win a buddie for selling 10 buddies this month! Great Job gals! Please pop me a text or e-mail soon so I can get it ordered and what scent pack too.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What comes in the Warmer of the Month

This is what all comes in the Warmer of the Month. I made some samples with a sillacone mold tonight with the new scent so I can send it with a new catalog to my biggest spenders since I started selling Scentsy. I want to send some each week. If anyone would like to chip in on supplies we could do this project together it is kinda fun.
Has anyone heard anything on the launch of card line? I will be checking on this.
This Mothers Day warmer can be ordered on April 1st but you can take pre orders.
Has anyone watched any good videos lately.
I listened to the team call on are you a crockpot. It was good. If you would like me to send you the link just pop me an email or comment on here.
One of my goals for the month is to help at least 4 of you get Certified. Some of you are so close. How can I help you get certified? I want you to get that 5% raise!
You all are the best team!
Star Consultant

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let your light shine this week

Gosh every time I turn on my computer it says someone has put in another order from our team. Great Job Everyone!

Did anyone have 3 closed parties by the 15th?
If not Let's give that room spray away to the person who closes 3 between now and the end of the month. Ready set Go....

I sent you all a paper I made to help you and your hosts remember people to invite. Feel free to make copies and use this. If anyone has trouble printing it let me know.
Whitney Luna has some drawings going on the Sentsational Squad on Facebook. You all should join that group it seems to be positive.

How are you doing with your goals for the month?
Let's all ask someone we work with to do a basket party for us this week. The first person to post that they got a basket party from today forward gets a Scent Circle.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

From Rocks to Warmers...must watch

Get 3 entries for telling us about this one!

Week of March 12th Education Videos watched

I will start us off
I really like this one because it has The owners of the company and so many of the ladies who are super star directors who were just like us to start with.
this was entertaining and has some great proven facts that show how Scentsy is better than walmart wax.

News Flash

Just a few things of importance...
#1 If you are waiting an order that contains any of the Layers Laundry or perosnal care products it should be shipping soon. There was such a huge flood of orders it surpassed what was expected.
#2 You can order the layers and the baby buddies as well as all the items in the new catalog.
#3 I have an email in to the sales tax dept. about our addresses not working right on the workstation. My zip shows up Going to the Sand Dunes. This will be addressed soon I am sure.
The warmer of the month poster is posted in the resource tab under promotions. If you want to see Aprils.
#4 Did you know that you can order the little mini testers in lots of 5 of one scent for $1.50 each. Also you can order a whole set for $25.00
#5 The Scent a Peels are cool Mauraka had some with her at the last Team Talk and we all liked them.
LET'S ALL WELCOME Michelle and Ginger to our team.
Also if everyone could welcome LeeAnn to our team. I hope LeeAnn you will jump right in here and talk and help us all learn how to grow our business. LeeAnn has experience in home based business that exceeds my knowledge by far. So happy to have you join our team LeeAnn!
Also I know that the Convention seems so far off but it will be coming up for ticket purchase soon. Lori and I are going for sure and we want everyone to come to make it fun. We have room for 2 in our room if anyone wants to share expenses and join us.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mid Week Check Up

Now that we have our Goals in place for this month. Think ahead where do you want to be in this business in 6 months? A year? Me I have my steak set on being Director by July. With you all as my team members I am sure I can do it.
What are your goals? Let us help you reach yours too.
I would like to see each of you get Certified this month.
Marks Set Go

Mauraka Smith wins a travel tin for closing the first party this month. Our team total is up to around $700 already this month. Great Job team!

Still time to win the Room Spray...Close 3 parties by March 15th....
Don't forget to post every youtube or training center video you watch for an entry into our monthly LEARNER EARNER DRAWING...I am giving away Catalogs or you can choose a Layers hand cream.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Goals and Inspirations

Did you know that only 3% of Americans have a list of measurable goals?
I feel that to set realistic goals you have to know #1 WHAT INSPIRES YOU
I am working on setting goals in all these areas of my life

My Goal sheet will be like this for each area above...
Goal________________ Action Required_____________________

Ok so if you just started your business maybe your first month's goals would be something like this:
Home & Family Goal To set scheduled hours to work my Scentsy so I am not cutting into my family time.
Action Required Set some hours to work when the family has other things planned or after bed or in the day when the kids are at school... and stick to it.

And so on in the other catagories.
I didn't seem to think Goals were for real people. I started this just a short 5 months ago and now My goals are way different because I have seen how doable things are if you set your steak and drive straight to it....running through and jumping over obsticals and rejection and negative energy all the way.
You won't believe what you are capable of if you set goals and commit them on paper.
I challenge you to try this. If you would like to share any or all or if you come up with a great sheet to document them on we would all love to have it.
I am raising the bar for myself this month. Just a few hours...and a few phone calls, and a few dollars more than last month.
I enjoyed TEAM TALK and was inspired by your passion and drive for your scentsy business. I missed each one who was not able to make it. We watched A couple of great videos and shared some great ideas with each other. I am sure any of us would be happy to share all the details with you.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


How many parties did each of you close? post a comment with that The winner gets one pink pepper scent trend bar.
Sold $750
Sold $1000 Mauraka Smith wins selling over $1200
Learner Earner Drawing winner Mauraka Smith
A big thanks to my helper Serina for drawing...she is awesome always willing to help.
Awesome work this month team.
We are planning to get together for Team Talk at the salon at 5:30 to 6ish on Friday the 2nd of March.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today's Challenge

Listen to Explosive Ideas for Increasing Party Sales in the Training Center under sales.
Doesn't that make you want to find a party? Maybe 2!
Ok then listen to OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS BY LISA MURDOCK also in the workstation under Training Center.
Do this and post about them for all to talk about and get one entry into a monthly LEARNER EARNER DRAWING.

Leap Day Wrap it Up

Good Morning
Today is the day to wrap up all sales and parties for February. If you have trouble putting your orders in just call me or your upline and we can help.
Then go on the work station and print off one of the layers flyers so you have it for your basket. Then start calling or go see people on your list to see if they will do a basket party for you this month. Try to have 3 book or basket parties completed by the 15th. I bet you Fact for our first March incentive I will give a free room spray to the person who closes 3 parties by the 15th of March
And I will give a special prize to the person who puts in the first $150 order in March...It will be a travel tin.
I will do the drawings this evening when I get home so if you have watched any educational videos tell us about them fo a chance to win a set of transition mini testers. Also post how many qualifing parties you closed this month.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Out with the OLD and In with the NEW

Really there are only 2 days to get all the orders we can from the old book. This is such a busy time for me and the tiny little area I call office is decorated with sticky notes of who I need to call and what hostess gift I need to order for the parties I have coming up. Crazy but it feels so good and productive.
I am also printing off the Layers brochure so I can have at least a few for my party on the 3rd and some for my book parties I have going on.
How many book parties do you have working for you right now...1, 2, 3,.....6 that's my goal 6 book parties a month. What is your goal?
This month with all the new products and the awesome fruity and floral spring scents we should do all our friends a favor and ask them to do a book party so they can earn a whole set of our layers body care for FREE.
So far Mauraka won 2 bars of sunlit morning SOM for March for selling $1263.07
Also Mauraka can promote to lead consultant if she gets one recuit before end of month. Go Mauraka Go
I know others that have orders to put in and will probably win also.
Great job everyone.
Use this as a motivater don't let it intimedate you if you only have a small amount of sales. We all started there and you have to start some where!
Also if you want to stock up on any of the fall/winter bars now is a good time with them 10%off and bricks will be going away and they are 10%off too.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

R U Certified?

Good Morning
R U Certified?
Do you even know you could be?
Yes you can....when you sell your first $1000 worth of Scentsy you become Certified!
Yep and you get a raise...yippee
Wanna know how to get there in Simple steps????
I am going to figure from a $0 start
You could have 8 $150 Book parties ( this is where you ask 8 people to collect orders for you this month.
You could teach the host a little better and have them do $300 Party you only have to have 4 people do that for you
Or you could get 2 people and really explain and coach and help them set goals and then turn them loose with your book or do a home show...$500 or more party.
These are all ways to help you get Certified . You can choose one or mix them up but at least you can see that it is achievable.
March One of my goals is to help you each get a 5% raise on your personal retail Volume (all you sell) I will help you get Certified.
* Tip for success...Always have at least 2 book or basket parties going...always. Let those little guys work for you.
It's Saturday and one of the biggest money days in our business. Go ask 3 people to host a show for you can even be a book party.
Wish me luck I have a home show in Sanford today.
Have a Scentsational Day!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

#1 Ask and You Shall Receive

I have found that when I start making my Scentsy business complicated nothing works..nothing happens...It's just that COMPLICATED.
I am learning that I always go back to the simple ASK....yep just plain ol ask someone if they would have a show for me or a book or basket party. My goal now for March is 6 of this kind of parties. Some really sell good and some don't so I want to have double the amount going on.
Have I told you about the employees I have? The little plastic baggie with a catalog and some order forms and some scent mini imployees one could have. They do their job and no complaints. He He
Anyway this has been my best party getter....Just Ask. It used to have an effect on me if people told me I feel sorry for them because they either have a stinky house(joke) or they are not enjoying the perks of free and half price stuff. I have had to come to that because if I didn't I wouldn't ever ask again.
Seriously team...People just don't get it. Really they have no clue what Scentsy is so we have to educate them. Yep then they are hooked and have 25 different smells in the drawer and keep buying because they are afraid to run out...
My point was to talk about FOLLOW THROUGH...
So when I am at City Market and I see Susan and she says what you doing now and I tell her I sell the most amazing alternative to wick candles..and I say you should have a show. Then she said that would be fun sometime..FOLLOW THROUGH is dig in your purse or pocket and write her name down...then in the car write it in your scentsy binder...with a note to call Susan. Then go home and call her and get her set up for a home show or a basket or book party..Today don't wait do it today. Ok so that last part was for me because I put off things.
Have a sentsational day I am off to have an Open House in my salon and try to practice some FOLLOW THROUGH.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Steps to Success......Follow through

Ok I am not preaching to you but this week in my scripture and prayer It came to me that I need to work on FOLLOW THROUGH in my life.
I am always saying yes we should have lunch...but do I ever actually go have lunch with that person? No I don't follow through worth a dime.

Ok so....
Today I worked on FOLLOW THROUGH. I have some book parties and basket parties going for a couple of weeks now. Today I made contact with the gals and we made arrangements for closing dates. I feel so much better and I think that it gives them a timeline.
#1 Ask and you shall recieve
#2 Coach Coach...your host or hostess to success
#4 Provide incentive for your host. Show them all they can earn.
#5 Help host set a goal for the party... make sure they see how it changes to 15% at $400.
#6 Check up on them ask them if they need help.
#7 Close the Party
#8 Pack and deliver the party

Isn't there FOLLOW THROUGH needed for each one of these steps?
What ideas do each of you have for follow through on each of these steps.

Is there anyone who doesn't have a new catalog yet....if so come see me.
By the way you are all doing awesome and I am so blessed to have each one of you as part of this awesome team.
I can't wait until March 1...I wake up in the night worried about what fragrance I will choose for my layers body line. Each day I lean on a different one Today it is Quiver...maybe Simply Irrisistable no maybe Linger.

Basketball warmers?

Who still has basketball warmers? I would trade you something...I am putting in a party tonight so I could guy you something for that amount
Let me know quickly if you want to be rid of it. I am ordering them if no one has any.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How was your Scentsy Day?

How was everyones Day?
Did you reach one little goal or talk to one person about Scentsy?
What was the outcome if you did?
I sent you all another great training from our training center.
Who has at least one basket or book or pouch party going on?

I did some 3rd party recuiting today...gave my card to my cousin to give her hair dresser back home. And told her it would be great in her salon.

Wellington and Sunlit Morning

This Month Wellington the duck is in place of a warmer. He is so cute and fuzzy I am pretty sure I will sell quite a few of him for Easter.
Sunlit Morning to me smells just like a candle I used to get called sunflower. I really love it. It is fresh but soft if that makes any scentz. If any of my team would like a little cube to try come by my salon wed-friday. Also I would like to share some of these little flyers with you all if you will just stop by.
Have a Scentsational day. Back to enjoying Sunlit Morning and a cup of coffee. Zane and I are pondering which fragrance We will order for us in the body butter...I am lingering on Linger.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

WOM Warmer of the Month

Wellington the duck the new Scentsy buddy just in time for Easter is the warmer of the month. I sign up for this because they deliver it to me around this time each month. I have next months warmer and scent before it launches. It is $60 I think for both. If you are signed up by the middle of April you will get the Velata chocolate warmer...Let me know if you need help doing that.

Earning Potential

A Director has put this together so we can get a visual of how much we can earn at different stages of our Scentsy Journey. I thank her so much for her hard work and knowledge.
o Do you have a goal in mind of how much you'd like to earn each month with your Scentsy business? If you are unsure of what you need to get you there, keep reading to see a potential write up of what you can earn
and how you go about doing it!

If you have a goal to earn $500 a month selling Scentsy there are a few ways you can go about doing that. With a party average of $500/each, you would need to have 4 parties in a month with an average of $500/each to earn $500 in commissions. If you sell $2000 in a month you earn 30% commission, therefore your reached your goal, your commission is $600 for the month, congratulations!

You will have parties
that are more than $500 and some that are less. The key is to coach your hostesses, have them right wishlists of what they want to receive for free and how they go about reaching that goal. Have them write up a list of everyone they know and have them invite, invite, invite! The more they are excited about their party, the better their turnout and sales will be! In turn work on booking more shows from their party, offer your hostess an incentive to have her friends/family book from you (you choose what you want to offer).

You can also look into local vendor events, if you are unable to find any, start your own! Find a venue
local to you, a restaurant that has a banquet room, a bar that has a back room, a church, community center/hall. Find other direct selling vendors that would be interested in doing this with you, charge say $30/table and that money will go towards the cost to rent the location, advertising and flyers. Advertise your event often, an encourage all vendors that are included to do the same. These events are GREAT ways to get your name out there, meet new contacts/recruit, gain bookings and even some sales.
o Now lets look at a breakdown of how building a team below you can really benefit you financially month after month. In each of these examples, i'll use your monthly sales
of $500 as an example each month. Each of the examples below will assume the bonus of having EC/CC downline ranks for bonus purposes. In the back of each of our catalogs there is a chart that will show you the compensation plan for Scentsy.

Example 1.
Your Title: Lead Consultant (2% personal sales bonus)
Requirements to earn pay as a lead consultant:
$500 in Personal Sales (PRV)
1 Active Frontline (1 direct recruit on your team that sells at least $150 in that month)
$1000 GWV (Group Wholesale Volume)-This means that between your own PRV and your active frontlines sales you must combined sell at least $1000 in GWV (which is 25% less than your combined PRVS together).
Compensation Plan Breakdown
$500 PRV and
$1000 GWV total monthly compensation: $155

Your Title: Star Consultant (4% personal sales bonus)
$500 in Personal Sales (PRV)
2 Active Frontline (at least 2 direct recruits must sell at least $150 this month)
$2500 GWV
Compensation Plan Breakdown
$500 PRV and $2500 GWV total monthly compensation: $245.00
o Your Title: SuperStar Consultant (7% personal sales bonus)
$500 in Personal sales (PRV)
3 Active Frontline (at least 3
direct recruits must sell at least $150 this month)
$6000 GWV
Compensation Plan Breakdown
$500 PRV and $6000 GWV total monthly compensation: $580.00
$1000 PRV and $6000 GWV total monthly compensation $740.00
$2000 PRV and $6000 GWV total monthly compensation $1160.00

Your Title: Director (9% personal sales bonus)
$500 in Personal Sales (PRV)
3 Active Frontline
$10000 GWV
Compensation Plan Breakdown
$500 PRV and $10,000 GWV total monthly compensation: $1070.00
$1000 PRV and $10,000 GWV total monthly compensation: $1240.00
$2000 PRV and $10,000 GWV total monthly compensation: $1680.00

Win a Bar of Pink Pepper

Don't forget the person who has the most parties this month will get a bar of pink pepper Scent Trend....Who many parties have each of you had so far...we have 10 days left.


Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.
~Sloan Wilson

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Win a set of transition mini is how

Team Challenge It is a quick one!
Each time you watch a video training from YouTube or our scentsy training the name of the video and what you got out of it in the comments part of this post. For each one you will get your name in the drawing. I will draw on the 29Th so you have the transition mini testers for the launch of the new book and scents.
There are some grand favorite is two smells like orange dreamsicles.
Good Luck and happy learning
I watched Jacquelyn Roy's video in the bottom of this page...she is in brown. Wow that will fill your tank right to the top with info and she is great.

Re Fuel

This blog is for each of us to come to to RE FUEL. I plan to put training opportunities here as well as time for us to share ideas. Welcome each of you and please invite anyone on your team to partake in our fun here.