Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mid Week Check Up

Now that we have our Goals in place for this month. Think ahead where do you want to be in this business in 6 months? A year? Me I have my steak set on being Director by July. With you all as my team members I am sure I can do it.
What are your goals? Let us help you reach yours too.
I would like to see each of you get Certified this month.
Marks Set Go

Mauraka Smith wins a travel tin for closing the first party this month. Our team total is up to around $700 already this month. Great Job team!

Still time to win the Room Spray...Close 3 parties by March 15th....
Don't forget to post every youtube or training center video you watch for an entry into our monthly LEARNER EARNER DRAWING...I am giving away Catalogs or you can choose a Layers hand cream.