Really there are only 2 days to get all the orders we can from the old book. This is such a busy time for me and the tiny little area I call office is decorated with sticky notes of who I need to call and what hostess gift I need to order for the parties I have coming up. Crazy but it feels so good and productive.
I am also printing off the Layers brochure so I can have at least a few for my party on the 3rd and some for my book parties I have going on.
How many book parties do you have working for you right now...1, 2, 3,.....6 that's my goal 6 book parties a month. What is your goal?
This month with all the new products and the awesome fruity and floral spring scents we should do all our friends a favor and ask them to do a book party so they can earn a whole set of our layers body care for FREE.
So far Mauraka won 2 bars of sunlit morning SOM for March for selling $1263.07
Also Mauraka can promote to lead consultant if she gets one recuit before end of month. Go Mauraka Go
I know others that have orders to put in and will probably win also.
Great job everyone.
Use this as a motivater don't let it intimedate you if you only have a small amount of sales. We all started there and you have to start some where!
Also if you want to stock up on any of the fall/winter bars now is a good time with them 10%off and bricks will be going away and they are 10%off too.