Saturday, February 25, 2012

R U Certified?

Good Morning
R U Certified?
Do you even know you could be?
Yes you can....when you sell your first $1000 worth of Scentsy you become Certified!
Yep and you get a raise...yippee
Wanna know how to get there in Simple steps????
I am going to figure from a $0 start
You could have 8 $150 Book parties ( this is where you ask 8 people to collect orders for you this month.
You could teach the host a little better and have them do $300 Party you only have to have 4 people do that for you
Or you could get 2 people and really explain and coach and help them set goals and then turn them loose with your book or do a home show...$500 or more party.
These are all ways to help you get Certified . You can choose one or mix them up but at least you can see that it is achievable.
March One of my goals is to help you each get a 5% raise on your personal retail Volume (all you sell) I will help you get Certified.
* Tip for success...Always have at least 2 book or basket parties going...always. Let those little guys work for you.
It's Saturday and one of the biggest money days in our business. Go ask 3 people to host a show for you can even be a book party.
Wish me luck I have a home show in Sanford today.
Have a Scentsational Day!